Press Coverage
Selection of press coverage of our research:
Mammalian extinction on Madagascar Nature Communications (2023)
ABC US, USA, Madagascar faces millions of years of extinctions due to human activity, scientists say
The Guardian, UK, Madagascar’s unique wildlife faces imminent wave of extinction, say scientists
BBC News, UK Biodiversity: Rising tide of extinctions on Madagascar
Trouw, Netherlands, De natuur op Madagaskar is uniek, maar een uitstervingsgolf dreigt
Sky News UK (mention on TV news programme)
ITV news, UK Extinctions ‘may threaten Madagascar’s biodiversity for 23 million years
Nature Africa The deep evolutionary impact of Madagascar’s imminent extinction wave
Daily Beast, USA, Extinctions Might Screw Up Madagascar for 20 Million Years
Tagesspiegel, Germany, Insel der verlorenen Zeit: Über 20 Millionen Jahre Evolution auf Madagaskar in Gefahr
Deutschlandfunk Radio, Germany Deutschlandfunk Forschung Aktuell
BBC World News Radio
Global analysis of island birds in Nature (2020)
Nature Today, The Netherlands, De soortenrijkdom van eilandvogels wereldwijd verklaard
VBio, Germany, Welche Faktoren die Anzahl von Vogelarten auf Inseln erklären
Público, Portugal, Porque é que umas ilhas têm mais aves do que outras?
New Zealand birds (2019)
Scientific American, USA, Podcast, Extinction Wipes Out Evolution's Hard Work
Discover Magazine, USA, 50 Million Years Needed for New Zealand’s Bird Biodiversity to Recover
Der Spiegel, Germany, Neuseelands Vogelwelt bräuchte 50 Millionen Jahre, um sich zu erholen
Süddeutsche Zeitung, Germany, 50 Millionen Jahre, um sich vom Menschen zu erholen
Le Figaro, France, En Nouvelle-Zélande, l’homme a décimé les oiseaux en 700 ans
RNZ, Radio New Zealand, How could bird species diversity be recovered?
Cosmos Magazine, Australia, 50 million years needed for NZ’s lost birds to recover
Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Switzerland, Neuseelands Vogelwelt würde Millionen Jahre brauchen, um sich vom bisherigen Artensterben zu erholen
Der Standard, Austria, Neuseelands Vogelvielfalt bräuchte Jahrmillionen, um sich zu erholen
ABC, Spain
Público, Portugal, Número de espécies de aves perdidas da Nova Zelândia levaria 50 milhões de anos a recuperar
Macaronesian birds (2017)
RTVE (Spanish National television), "The Canary Islands and Macaronesia have birds for more than 8.5 million years."
Caribbean bats (2017)
Interview on BNR News Radio (The Netherlands) about our paper on Caribbean bats, January 2017
Caribbean bat species need 8 million years to recover from recent extinction waves, National Science Foundation website, January 2017
Galápagos birds (2015)
"Darwin finches reached evolutionary limit", National Geographic (magazine, Netherlands/Belgium), June 2015
"Galápagos: Darwin's islands will witness the birth of new species" , Público (newspaper, Portugal), June 2015
"Bird evolution proceeds at different paces in the Galápagos", O Globo (newspaper, Brazil), June 2015
Orchids (2013)
“Copycat Orchids”, Science, online edition, June 2013
Diversification in carnations (2010)
“Flower power”, Nature, 463, 590 (2010) doi:10.1038/463590a
“How carnations conquered Europe”, Science, online edition, January 2010
“Fast radiation in Europe”, National Geographic (Russian printed edition), p. 38 October 2010
“Carnations had evolutionary bloom boom in Europe”, Science News, USA, 177, p. 8, 2010
“The Mediterranean is the tropical rainforest of wild carnations”, Publico (newspaper, Portugal), 05-08-2010)
“Europe is among the centers of Evolution on Earth”, Infox, Russia, February 2010.
“Nelken entwickelten sich schnell”, N-TV, Germany, January 2010
“Carnations have diversified more rapidly than any other plant group”, Europa Press, Spain, February 2010.
“The incredible variety of Europe’s carnations”, Oggi Scienza, Italy, February 2010